Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dinner with Financial Industry Executives

Yesterday on my first day in London I spoke at dinner before a group of executives who work in the Canary Wharf Financial Center. While others here say they are not very familiar with AIG or Hank Greenberg, that is certainly not the case with this group. They know AIG well and are fascinated by Greenberg. It was a telling time to meet with them since on that very day a number had closed out their firm's participation in AIG's $20 billion capital raising effort.

This effort, which far exceeded the original goal of $12 billion, was phenomenally successful. When I asked these executives why they participated they said AIG had paid above premium on the placement and they had total confidence in the future of the company.

Ironically, AIG CEO Martin Sullivan is in town as well speaking at a Lehman Brothers Financial Services Conference. But our paths have not yet crossed.

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